A big hello to Ben

Having begun his professional career at PPGH JWT Ben endeavored to stretch the definition of graphic design as far as he could. Exploring the potential of store design, the marriage between furniture design and corporate identity and the interplay between the analogue, digital and conceptual. Soon after Ben began working at Ogilvy where he found himself thrown headfirst into international advertising campaigns whilst keeping a close eye on the technical developments within design. Ben is always open for a chat about history, science or gadgets although most to the time he is glued to his screens. 

Fedustria is the Belgian federation of the textile, wood and furniture industry.

Fedustria is the Belgian non profit federation of the textile, wood and furniture industry.The organisation represents more than 60,000 people in 2,700 companies in Belgium. Belgians love to build. What are the possibilities? How do you take people, society and planet into account at the same time? There is only one correct answer to that question: Wood. The natural choice. Sustainable and renewable. With wood you remove tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. Is it strong enough? Yes, entire skyscrapers are made of wood. Are forests disappearing? No. Sustainable harvesting ensures more wood in the forests.With wood you choose the future. To inform and involve architects, builders, engineers big group ASM was asked to roll up its sleeves and update the website.



Nominated again for the Marketing top 100! 🏆

What an honour to be among such big names

Ge Key and Michel van Houten from big AMS have been nominated again for the Marketing top 100! 🏆 Thanks to Marketing Report | Netherlands, Bas Vlugt, Peter Wybenga. The list of the 100 most influential people in the Dutch marketing world will be announced during the M100 Event, Thursday, December 7, 2023, in the Kromhouthal Amsterdam.


How to prevent Pinkwashing

Leander Wolters -Research Consultant Marketing Response

How do you really support the LGBTQ+ community? By actively involving that community in your initiatives. Involve organizations as equal partners in developing inclusive campaigns and products. A good example is Mastercard.

In the run-up to Pride, the company launched the podcast series The Pride Side, which focused not on Mastercard but on important stories from the queer community. The message is directly linked to a concrete action. A less good example is the rainbow bag from Albert Heijn. It was a pretty empty statement. A bag, but hardly any communication around it. A missed opportunity, because for a large part of the workforce (78% belong to Gen Z) and as a store for everyone, AH could make a more prominent statement.

A big hello to Niki

Niki Bergmans

An enthusiastic team player who is not afraid to ask the questions that need to be addressed. Actively delivering ambitious projects effectively from start to finish. Niki quickly built up a broad-ranging experience working at digital creative agency Lama Lama and also for DDMA, the largest trade association for marketing and data. Having led to knowledge and understanding of design, search, social media, social platforms and the inner workings of digital platforms. Before working hours you can find Niki sparring in the boxing ring or experiencing total inner silence on her yoga mat.

A big talk by Eelko Lommers

This week Eelko enlighted us with a transformational journey, learnings and insights into Ikea’s UX-team structure and practices. Climate protection and embracing sustainability. And Ikea’s culture and recruitment process. ’A lot of brands are about the customer journey, right? It’s the journey, journey mapping, all of these different touch points, and all of that, in a sense, it’s great. But it’s not about the journey because journeys are only how you move, but it’s the experience you actually remember, not the journey. And from that perspective, IKEA is rapidly maturing towards that.’’

A big hello to Iman

Social Media Manager, endlessly curious to help brands venture down paths unexplored

Mover and shaker on social. Iman combines his education in cross-media communication with a passion for social-first creativity to help brands progress. Iman graduated at Hogeschool Inholland before managing the communities on social platforms at Bol.  At big AMS Iman heads up the social management team with a laser focus on guiding bold ideas towards reality. If you meet Iman you can immediately start talking about soccer (Ajax!) , the entire Hazes repertoire, vinyl, where you can buy the best coffee beans and his kitten Momo. 

A big hello to Priscilla

Priscilla lands at big Amsterdam with limited experience but with a truckload of talent. She eats social and search analytics for breakfast, creates content for lunch and manages communities for dinner. At big she is part of the content & social team with a laser focus on the organisation, production and analytics of all always-on-content.

A big talk by Rodger Werkhoven

This Thursday’s big talk, Rodger (AI nerd and member of the Commordore 64 Gen) preached at a dizzying pace the advantages and possible effects on the marketing profession. Accompanied by a fascinating wave  of examples with Midjourney, Dall-E, ChatGPT. One prompt to sketch three concepts in three minutes. What you throw in determines the outcome. Just like every briefing. An extra tool to do your work faster, making top execution more accessible. But a real Van Gogh will always retain the most value. If you rely solely on algorithms, the result will be gray. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

A big talk: MITBL Media

An inspiring insight into the state-of-the-art messaging options with smart devices. From shoppable tv-ads (CTV) to innovative service tooling. Footfall attribution, hyper local targeting. Great examples: helping golfers to reach their full potential on the golf course, branded race games and how to engage and add value for Dutch people driving through France for the ANWB,  Making one thing crystal clear (again): it’s 80% idea, 80% execution. The mobile devil is in the details. Thanks, guys. Up to the next big Talk.